Configuring outgoing emails with Public Issues

You can configure how outgoing Public Issue emails appear to your customers for a given project. Here's what's configurable:

  • From Name: Assign a custom “from” name when replying to customers. If blank, the “from” name will be the full name of the person replying to the customer.
  • From Address: Assign a custom “from” address when replying to customers. If you update this field, we strongly recommend updating the SPF record for your domain to ensure email delivery.
  • Forwarder Addresses: If you're forwarding emails from a custom address to this project's public issues address, enter the email address here. You can enter multiple addresses if you accept issues from multiple mailboxes.
  • Email Signature: Include a signature for replies back to the customer. Use [First Name] and [Last Name] to denote the team member's first and last name when replying back to the customer. You'll see this signature when you preview a reply inside of DoneDone.

If you're a project or account admin, head to the project's dashboard, then click on the Project Settings icon and choose Public Issues Settings.


Under the Project Settings panel, scroll to the Outgoing Emails Setup section and fill in the values you want to set for outgoing emails.

Finally, scroll to the bottom of the panel and click the Save Changes button. You're all set!

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