All Categories > Managing Users
Note: You need to be an account administrator to manage companies. 1 Click the Global Settings icon, and then select Companies & People. 2 Next, choose the company by clicking on the People title and…
Updated 6 years ago
You can update your personal information, including your username, password, avatar, profile and account email address, and other contact information in the Your Profile section of DoneDone. 1 Click…
As an account admin or the owner , you can update or delete a person from your account. You can update a person's account email address, phone and fax information, company, and project access. Howeve…
In DoneDone, we track two different types of email addresses: a profile email address and an account email address. This might seem confusing at first, but this article will clarify things. Your prof…
The account owner has access to all features in DoneDone including those that no one else can access. This includes updating billing information, viewing invoices, changing plans, and managing genera…
DoneDone has a few different roles at both the account and project level. This article explains what they are and how they differ. Account roles. There are three account-level roles: Owner, admin, an…
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