We offer a RESTful API that allows you to work with DoneDone data for your own applications. All methods from the API use either the GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE verbs and return standard JSON-serialize…
If you're having problems syncing Git commits to DoneDone, here are some common reasons. If you are using Github, we occasionally have had problems with Github post-receive hooks timing out. There is…
If you're an account or project admin , you can bulk edit issues within a project in DoneDone. Here are the actions you can perform in bulk: Change priority level Change status Change fixer Change te…
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Questions we're often asked about DoneDone
Everything you need to know to get up and running in less than 5 minutes.
How to create, manage, and gain insights into your team's work.
Features to help make managing DoneDone projects a breeze.
How to manage who has access to projects and features in your account
Working with DoneDone on your mobile device
Connect to tools like Slack or Github, or build your own with our API
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